Seven Top Social Media Sites 2020

All social media networks are not created equally.

While Instagram might be a powerhouse for one brand, it’ll do nothing for another – and while one business might have tons of engagement on Facebook, another business will gain more traction on LinkedIn.

With that in mind, how do you choose where to invest your time (and potentially ad spend)?
The best move is to have at least a presence on each of the major platforms, and from there, strategically choose which ones to double down on.

We’re going to take a look at each of the seven major social media platforms in our social media guide Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Reddit.

You’ll also gain insights into what content succeeds on each platform and get actionable tips to take your own social media marketing to the next level.

Before we dive in, let’s take a look at each of these networks at a glance.

1. Facebook

Headquarters: Menlo Park, CA

Founded: 2004

Active Monthly Users: 2.45 billion

This OG social media network is tried and true, and no matter your industry, there’s a space for you on Facebook.

Some of the leading industries on Facebook include financial services, ecommerce, retail, gaming, entertainment, media, telecom, technology, consumer goods, and automotive businesses.

While the News Feed increasingly suppresses business posts, there are still ways to bolster engagement without investing in ads.

Consider joining (or creating) groups, using a Facebook Messenger chatbot, or using live video to up your engagement.

2. Twitter

Headquarters: San Francisco, CA

Founded: 2006

Active Monthly Users: 330 million

Fast and sometimes furious, certain businesses really thrive on Twitter.

If your business is related to entertainment, sports, politics, or marketing, you stand to earn tremendous engagement on Twitter.

On Twitter, brands have an opportunity to craft and hone their voice – there’s room to be clever and personable in addition to informative and helpful.

Jump into threads, provide value, share your own content as well as others, and join the nonstop conversation.

3. LinkedIn

Headquarters: Mountain View, CA

Founded: 2003

Active Monthly Users: 310 million

Within its massive network of professionals, you’ll find more than 61 million users in senior positions on LinkedIn.

If you’re looking for decision makers who have the power to hire your company, stock your product, or partner with you, LinkedIn is the place to be.

Did you know that 44% of LinkedIn users have an income above the national median? Or that more than 50% of Americans with a college degree use LinkedIn?

It might not be the flashiest social media network, but there’s unlimited potential for connecting with an elite group of professionals who can make a difference for your business.

4. Instagram

Headquarters: Menlo Park, CA

Launched: 2010

Active users: 1 billion

Instagram is a smorgasbord of eye-catching visuals and inspiring creativity.
It’s also a social network where product-based businesses, influencers, and coaches can thrive.

Since introducing shoppable posts in 2018, the potential ROI for product-based businesses is higher than ever – not only can B2B’s connect with a massive audience, they can link the product information and sales straight from the ‘gram.

If your target demographic is under 35, Instagram is a gold mine: 63% of users are between the ages of 18 to 34, with virtually even split between male and female users.

5. Snapchat

Headquarters: Los Angeles, CA

Founded: 2011

Active Monthly Users: 360 million

If your target demographic is young, you definitely want to get in on Snapchat

The most active users are Snapchat are 13-year-olds, and they’re spending upwards of 30 minutes a day on the app.

Snapchat is a haven for user-generated content, behind-the-scenes videos, exclusive offers, and influencer takeovers.

6. Pinterest

Founded: 2010

Headquarters: San Francisco, CA

Active Monthly Users: 322 million

Some of the most popular content on Pinterest includes fashion, food, decor, wedding, workout and DIY-related pins.

In addition, anything with rich visual can thrive on Pinterest.
Notably, 81% of Pinterest users are female – if you have a predominantly female audience, that’s a compelling reason to invest time in social media marketing on Pinterest.

That’s not to say that men aren’t on Pinterest.
In fact, 40% of new Pinterest signups are male.

7. Reddit

Founded: 2005

Headquarters: San Francisco, CA

Active Monthly Users: 430 million

Reddit heralds itself as “the front page of the internet.”

According to Alexa rankings, Reddit is one of the top 20 most-visited sites.

Reddit has a unique blend of content and community, with more than 150,000 communities 
dedicated to every topic imaginable.

With so many niches, there’s a place for every brand and business – it’s a matter of finding the niches where your potential customers are active and diving in.


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